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Summer Picnic has been scheduled for Sunday, September 22nd at 11:00am at Meigs Point Pavillon, Hammonasett State Park in Madison, CT. The club will provide hotdogs, burgers, chicken patties, condiments and soda. Members are asked to bring a dessert or dish (hot or cold to share with members). Finds of the Year will be presented, and we will have a silver raffle. There is NO cost to members. Hope you can make this fun event and share the day with us !     

Seeded Beach Hunt has been scheduled for Sunday, October 27th at 11:00am at Meigs Point Pavilion, Hammonasett State Park in Madison, CT. The cost will be $30. per detectorists. Hunt Rules apply. I will send out a notice to all paid members to reinforce the rules. There will be buried token  for silver and clad prizes . I suggest everyone show up 30 minutes before the hunt to insure their placement and equipment is ready. Hunt will start promptly at 11:00am SHARP . Last date for member signup will be Oct 8th monthly meeting . 

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